Why is it important to service my cabin filter?
As the filter gets dirtier, the air flowing through your vent system could become restricted. This air restriction limits the efficiency of your air conditioning or defrost system. Extremely dirty filters can also be a source of unpleasant odor in your car.
Why does the Undercar Experts cabin filter look darker than the one I took out of my vehicle?
Some of our filters contain carbon in the media. This is "activated charcoal", the same type of carbon used in water filters. The carbon gives the media it's darker look. Where the original equipment filter is carbon, the AirQualitee cabin filter is made with carbon media. Carbon is included in some cabin filters to absorb odors from air flowing through your vehicle's vent system.
What is a cabin filter?
It is a filter that cleans the air entering into the passenger compartment through the vehicle's vent system. It is similar to an air conditioning filter you may have in your house. It helps keep the vehicle's vent system and interior clean. Most cars manufactured in the past few years have one.
How often should I change my cabin filter?
The cabin filter should be changed every 15,000 miles or once every year. The service interval can vary depending on your driving habits. For specific recommendations for your vehicle, check the maintenance section of your owner's manual.
How important is the airflow direction through a cabin filter?
The media in these types of filters will perform exactly the same in both directions when first installed. The difference between the sides is their capacity to hold particles before the filter becomes "clogged". The way filter media is tested is by measuring how much it restricts the airflow after a specific quantity of dust (grams) has been caught. A filter that is "backwards" will reach its maximum allowable restrictiveness at a lower number of grams caught. Most filter media (including ours) is made in layers. The more open weave layers are on the "input" side, and the tighter woven layers are on the "output" side. You won't damage your car by putting it in the wrong way. The filter will simply reach its maximum allowable restrictiveness sooner. A filter at or beyond its maximum allowable restrictiveness will cause the vehicle's air system to move less air than intended. The most significant consequence would be ineffective defrosting of the windshield. The directional indication on the edge of a cabin filter will be oriented so that the higher capacity side will face the dirty incoming air.
How do I know where my cabin filter is located?
We provide you with an instruction sheet and/or an installation video on our YouTube channel that shows you how to change your cabin filter and where it is located in your vehicle. Your owner's manual may also contain some of this information. Generally, the filter will be located behind the glovebox, below the glovebox, under the windshield cowling or under the hood.